Media Releases Archives - Atlantic Groundfish Council

Atlantic Groundfish Council Continues Commitment to Sustainability and Rebuilding of Newfoundland’s South Coast Cod

Yesterday, Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) held a technical briefing on the latest science assessment for the 3Ps cod stock, located off the south coast of Newfoundland. Similar to previous years, the results of the assessment continue to show signs of stock growth, but at a slow pace. Scientific projections indicate that this growth will […]

Reopening of Iconic Northern Cod Fishery Monumental for People and Communities in Newfoundland and Labrador

Today, the Honourable Diane Lebouthillier, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) made a historic decision to be celebrated in communities across Newfoundland and Labrador. Minister Lebouthillier has announced the reopening of a commercial fishery for the iconic 2J3KL Northern cod stock for the first time in decades. The 2024-2025 season will open with a […]

La réouverture de la pêche emblématique à la morue du Nord est monumentale pour les gens et les collectivités de Terre Neuve et Labrador

L’honorable Diane Lebouthillier, ministre des Pêches et des Océans du Canada (MPO), a pris aujourd’hui une décision historique qui sera célébrée dans les collectivités de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador. La ministre Lebouthillier a ainsi annoncé la réouverture d’une pêche commerciale pour l’emblématique stock de morue du Nord 2J3KL pour la première fois depuis des décennies. La saison 2024-25 […]

L’Atlantic Groundfish Council en attente de détails sur la décision du sébaste de l’unité 1, axée sur la maximisation de la position du Canada dans un marché mondial hautement concurrentiel

Vendredi dernier, l’honorable Diane Lebouthillier, la ministre des Pêches et des Océans du Canada, a annoncé une décision longtemps attendue au sujet de la réouverture de la pêche commerciale du sébaste dans le golfe du Saint-Laurent, connu sous le nom de Sébaste de l’unité 1. À ce stade, l’Atlantic Groundfish Council et ses membres attendent […]

Le « Projet d’amélioration de la pêche » emblématique du cabillaud de Terre Neuve se poursuit alors que le stock est hors de la zone de critique

Des parties prenantes se sont rencontrées hier à Barcelone pour discuter du « Projet d’amélioration de la pêche » (PAF) en cours pour le cabillaud de Terre Neuve. Les participants partagent tous une longue histoire dans le secteur du cabillaud ainsi qu’un profond engagement envers l’objectif ultime d’une pêche pour le cabillaud de Terre Neuve […]

Iconic Northern Cod ‘Fishery Improvement Project’ continues as stock is out of the critical zone

(April 23, 2024 – Barcelona, Spain) – Stakeholders met in Barcelona yesterday to discuss the ongoing Northern Cod ‘Fishery Improvement Project’ (FIP). The participants share a long history in the cod business, and a deep commitment to the ultimate objective of a Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certified Northern cod fishery. Stakeholders include Sustainable Fisheries Partnership […]

Atlantic Groundfish Council awaiting details of Unit 1 redfish decision, focused on maximizing Canada’s position in a highly competitive global market

Last Friday, the Honourable Diane Lebouthillier, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Canada announced a long-awaited decision on the reopening of the commercial redfish fishery in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, known as Unit 1 Redfish. At this stage, the Atlantic Groundfish Council and its members are awaiting more information on the decision to better understand […]

Atlantic Groundfish Council emphasizing sustainability and the gradual rebuilding of south coast cod stock

Today, Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) held a technical briefing on the latest science assessment for the 3Ps cod stock, located off the south coast of Newfoundland. This briefing will be followed up by Groundfish Advisory Committee meetings in January, where industry stakeholders will further discuss the stock with DFO before Canada and France meet […]

Atlantic Groundfish Council Announces New President

August 21, 2023 (Halifax) – Alberto Wareham, incoming Chairman of the Atlantic Groundfish Council (AGC), announced today that Ms. Sylvie Lapointe has been appointed as the new President of the Council. Ms. Lapointe will attend the Council’s biannual general membership meeting being held in Halifax this week. Sylvie has a Bachelor of Law from the […]

Atlantic Groundfish Council Announces New Director of Fisheries Management and Science

Vanessa Byrne has been named Director of Fisheries Management and Science for the Atlantic Groundfish Council (AGC). Having grown up in a small community in Petty Harbour, Newfoundland and Labrador, and recalling the effects of the cod moratorium, Vanessa has been interested in sustainable fisheries ever since. She carries a deep-rooted passion for ensuring that […]