BACKGROUNDER: Northern Cod Acoustic Tracking Project (April 2022 Update)

Research Plan In 2016, the ASP-AGC Northern Cod Acoustic Tracking (NCAT) Project was developed to identify and address gaps in our understanding of the Northern Cod complex, with the goal of improving long-term management of the stock. Six fundamental questions (determined via thorough review of available literature and in-depth input from DFO scientists) form the […]

BACKGROUNDER: Correcting Misinformation on Unit 1 Redfish

Discussions on the stability of long-standing proportionate quota shares are ones we take extremely seriously. Ad hoc decisions to destabilize those shares would have long-lasting impacts on people, communities and the future of the fishery in Newfoundland and Labrador, and Canada. We believe those discussions and debates need to be grounded in factual information and […]

BACKGROUNDER: Concerns with Sudden Shift in 3Ps Cod Assessment Model

Limit Reference Point (LRP) and the Precautionary Approach Framework To understand the issues with the sudden shift in interpretation of science, it is important to know what the Limit Reference Point is, and how it fits into the Precautionary Framework’s Critical, Cautious and Healthy Zones. Uncertainty of the new 3Ps stock assessment model The health […]

BACKGROUNDER – Northern Cod Acoustic Tracking Project

Northern Cod Acoustic Tracking (NCAT) Project In 2017, the Northern Cod Acoustic Tracking (NCAT) project commenced Phase 2 of the ASP-AGC FIP research plan to design an acoustic array, acquire acoustic tags and receivers and plan for the deployment of this gear to monitor movement of cod on a multi-year basis. With key funding provided […]

BACKGROUNDER – Association of Seafood Producers-Atlantic Groundfish Council Fisheries Improvement Project

Fishery Improvement Projects When a fish population is not at a level where it can be certified as sustainable by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), Fishery Improvement Projects (FIPs) provide a clear workplan that leads to the development and implementation of a more sustainable fishery. In some cases, this work may include achieving better population […]

Backgrounder: Important facts on spawning and “pre-spawning aggregations”

Accusations that our sector fishes during the spawning season have been verified to be completely false by DFO. In DFO’s stock assessment of NAFO subdivision 3Ps cod, page 4 of each document clearly identifies spawning season as late March to early June. This fishery is open to all sectors through February. (See and […]