Atlantic Groundfish Council Announces New President

August 21, 2023 (Halifax) – Alberto Wareham, incoming Chairman of the Atlantic Groundfish Council (AGC), announced today that Ms. Sylvie Lapointe has been appointed as the new President of the Council. Ms. Lapointe will attend the Council’s biannual general membership meeting being held in Halifax this week.

Sylvie has a Bachelor of Law from the University of Ottawa and brings 26 years of experience working in the Canadian Federal Government, with 20 years at Fisheries & Oceans Canada (DFO).

While at DFO, she held a number of senior positions, including Assistant Deputy Minister, Fisheries and Harbour Management. She managed fisheries across Canada and chaired high profile Advisory Committees in the Atlantic; established and maintained effective partnerships with internal and external stakeholders, including stakeholders from the fisheries sector; and, as Head of the Canadian delegation to several Regional Fisheries Management Organizations, such as the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization, chaired and led negotiations with other countries.

“We are very pleased to have someone with Sylvie’s credentials and experience join our organization,” stated AGC Chairman Wareham. “We look forward to her leadership and contribution as we continue to navigate the effect of changing environmental conditions on the groundfish resources upon which our members and their thousands of employees depend, and continue to communicate the need for stable government policies upon which we collectively rely”.

“Sustainability – economic, social and environmental – is at the core of ensuring a successful future for Atlantic fisheries and Canadians whose livelihood depends on them. I very much look forward to leading the AGC and representing its members, both domestically and internationally”, remarked Sylvie.


Ms. Sylvie Lapointe